What I do
I work professionally as a full stack developer, build interesting pet projects, contribute to open source, and mentor aspiring coders. Below is a quick overview of my main technical skill sets and the technologies I use.
JavaScript & TypeScript
Solid foundations of vanilla JavaScript, its newest additions (ES6+), superset TypeScript, modern workflow (Babel & Webpack), and testing with Jest.
React Ecosystem
Adept at building performant and large-scale apps with React, its latest features (Hooks, Context...) and ecosystem (Redux, React Native, Expo, Gatsby...).
Full Stack with MERN
Seasoned builder of fully functioning back-end REST/GraphQL API that can handle user authentication, CRUD operations, data filtering/sorting...
Serverless & Cloud
Familiar with Firebase Auth, Firestore, Functions, and Hosting. Also long-time user of AWS, Google Cloud Engine, for both hosting and proxy tunneling.
Data Visualization
Proficient maker of data-driven, interative, responsive, and real-time updating visualizations (graphs, charts, diagrams) with D3.js or Victory.js.
LA/NMP & Wordpress
Customized, deployed and maintained: corporate websites w/ Wordpress, an Uni department forum w/ Discuz! and a polling app w/ LimeSurvey.
CSS Styling
Competent in vanilla CSS, frameworks (MaterialUI, Bootstrap, Tailwind...), CSS-in-JS with Styled Components or JSS, and the SASS extention.
Python Web Scraping
Experienced with Python and the Scrapy web crawling framework to scrape multi-layered information with attached media files into a structured database.